Positive Behaviour Support

In addition to providing disability care and support, supported independent living, and personal training, On Your Marks Care has a team of specialist support coordinators, psychosocial recovery coaches and allied health professionals who can assist with the development of tailored plans to address unwanted or harmful behaviours known as behaviours of concern including for those involved in the criminal justice system, forensic mental health system and those who pose a risk of harm to themselves or others.

Comprehensive assessment is key to the whole process. We use a range of assessment tools and techniques including substance use assessments and withdrawal scales, mental health comprehensive (biopsychosocial) assessments and formulations, functional behaviour assessments, suicide and self harm risk assessments.

With the information obtained from the various assessments, in collaboration with existing teams, we develop positive behaviour support (PBS) plans. We can facilitate support and training for implementation of PBS plans as well as provide experienced workers to meet your needs that align with your personal goals.

Functional Behaviour Assessment

Stage one - getting to know you

Our team of mental health clinicians and allied health professionals will arrange an appropriate time and place for us to get to know each other. We build trusting relationships and establish safety before starting the assessment work.

We explain to you the process of the comprehensive assessment so that you know what is being asked and why, keeping you informed at all times.

Stage two - indirect assessments

With your consent we will read reports and assessments to help understand what you have tried and tested in the past. We contact, liaise and work with the teams who are currently involved in your care and support. We may talk to family members, carers, friends and other healthcare professionals such as family GP or teachers.

Stage three - direct assessments

We use a range of assessments to better understand what is going on for you right now. These can include observations, data collection and interpretation, interviews and role play.

Positive Behaviour Support Plans

  • Using information gathered in the assessment process, we help explain the function or purpose of the behaviour.

    We then work closely with you to set realistic and achievable goals that align with your personal strengths and values.

    We help understand, learn and practice proactive and reactive strategies.

  • We spend time with you, and your family, developing new skills specifically targeted to help reduce the behaviour occurring again.

    We also spend time developing skills designed to be used after the behaviour in order to help deescalate situations more effectively.

  • We work with individuals, families, loved ones, and treating teams to continually check that things are on track and working as planned. We make corrective changes as needed.

  • We provide training and support to those around you, your carers and support team, family members and whoever else you may want to be involved to help them better understand your goals and needs. We know that a one size fits all approach doesn’t work and so we tailor our training and support in collaboration with you.

  • We assess, monitor, review and report on restrictive practices in accordance with NDIS regulations with a view to eliminate restrictive practices entirely.