Our Services

  • White young person, wearing safety equipment and using gardening tools working in the yard.

    Help & Support

    We work collaboratively with you, enabling your access to resources and services that reflect your needs, requirements, preferences, strengths and personal goals.

  • Black female healthcare professional demonstrates effective communication and least restrictive practice with a vulnerable white female person.

    Least Restrictive Care

    We believe that everyone has a right to access services free from violence, abuse, neglect, exploitation and discrimination delivered in the least restrictive manner possible. Our workers use trauma informed approaches.

  • Smiling child who has down syndrome has been playing with bright coloured paint and has the paint on her hands and face

    Early Childhood Support

    We know that positive outcomes for children involve working with a range of services that can be challenging to navigate. Out team has education professionals in advisory roles ensuring that mainstream services adapt and make changes to fit around the needs of you and your family.

  • A female support coordinator is helping a female participant access supports and services. They have their backs to the camera and are both facing the laptop, which displays the selection of choices that the support coordinator is showing.

    Specialist Support Coordination

    We understand the challenges faced everyday by those living with mental health and addiction needs. Our dedicated team of mental health nurses and social workers will assist you to manage these challenges, reduce barriers and improve social inclusion.

  • A group of diverse friends, some have physical disability and some have non physical disability,  sitting in a circle laughing and having fun

    Community Participation

    We play a vital role in empowering individuals living with physical and non physical disability, mental health and addiction needs to actively engage in their local communities.

    We tailor our support services and resources according to your needs, ensuring that you enjoy the benefits of social inclusion and social interaction. We can enable access to necessary services, such as transportation, assistive technology, and personal support, which enhance your ability to join in community activities, pursue education and employment opportunities, and lead fulfilling lives.

  • Brown skinned female psychosocial support worker is standing next to tall white male with non physical disability whilst he is preparing a delicious meal

    Meal Preparation

    On Your Marks Care plays a crucial role in ensuring safe meal preparation. We offer support and assistance, addressing your unique dietary needs and challenges. This includes helping you with planning delicious and nutritional meals, adapting recipes, and offering support in cooking and food handling. , We always promote a safe kitchen environment, ensuring that you can independently select and prepare meals when possible, while receiving supervision or assistance as required.

  • A young black man who is an addiction trained support worker is listening to the other man who has his back to the camera

    Mental Health and Addiction Trained Staff

    We ensure that all our staff are fully trained and appropriately qualified to help you with your needs. Our care staff and psychosocial support workers undertake a comprehensive orientation that is tailored to your plan.

    Our team of experts includes mental health nurses, social workers and trained addiction workers.

  • An Asian man is sitting at a desk, his hands clasped and placed on top of the desk. he is facing the camera directly and listening attentively.

    Forensic Participants

    On Your Marks Care can support those with a forensic history by providing a non judgemental safe space - allowing time to discuss your specific needs in order to better understand your personal circumstances. We understand the difficulties transitioning from forensic services into ‘everyday life’. We aim to assist and support with housing, mental health, rehabilitation, and skill development to facilitate smooth reintegration into the community.

    On Your Marks Care provides psychosocial support workers who are specifically trained to understand the unique challenges faced immediately after being released from custody. Our support coordinators and recovery coaches can help you access and navigate the necessary resources and services to lead a more fulfilling and productive life while minimizing the risk of reoffending.